Welcome to EDMheaven. Are you a producer who’s been fiddling around in FL Studio or Logic for a while, trying to get that pro sound? Maybe you’ve just been trying some random plugins, turning knobs here and there, in the hopes of stumbeling onto something perfect.

We’re here to help you learn production techniques. Learn the best-kept secrets from the pros, and pick up necessary skills that will allow you to finally turn that loop into a song or finish those old tracks.

The real secret to music production is knowing your craft, and knowing it well. If you never take the time to learn how a synthesizer works, or what goes into making sounds, you could keep doing this for many years and never really become a good producer!

EDMheaven is a collection of guides and articles designed to teach you how electronic sound production works. ‘Cause ultimately, that’s what you need in order to produce your favorite style of electronic club music: the production tricks and a solid theoretical basis.

We’ve seen the expensive courses offered by some companies for hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and we are not convinced that they are a good investment. Sure, you might pick up a new trick or two, but do they actually teach you how to put your own creativity into a track?

To get creative and produce your OWN flavor of music, you have to understand how to make the types of sounds that you want to use first. And in order to do that, you need to know how synths work and which VST synth is suited for the type of sound that you want to make.

This is where we come in: this website is set to grow into a big resource that lists the top VST’s for every genre of electronic music. So sit back, relax, and come back in a few months to check out our content